Morgan Eliana Faith Williams

Today God gifted our family with another healthy and beautiful child.   My sister gave birth to her fifth baby and her first girl.  Our family has been so overjoyed with the news of a little girl.  Morgan was born on 9/19/14 at 7 pounds 11 ounces at 5:30am.  The first song she ever heard was James Taylor - Carolina on My Mind.  I'd say that will start her out right... _MG_2088Morgans First Day - 002

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Rachel | Newport Maternity Session

My beautiful sister came to visit me in June so naturally we had to take some photos do document her fifth pregnancy.  Yes, that is right, FIFTH pregnancy.  After blessing our family with four handsome boys she is finally getting a baby girl.  Cameron, Kaden, Brennan and Grayson are the lights of my life and I cannot wait to go home in September to see the birth of my new niece. I admire my sister so much for being so young and able to work as a Respiratory Therapist and take care of 4 boys, a husband and two dogs.  I would need about 5 naps a day if I were her! I am so blessed to have her as an older sister and I am so happy that in age we have grown so close. I value the advice she gives me so much and I cannot wait to have children of my own to add to the bunch....well I can wait but ya know. Miss you and I love you Rachel! _MG_9182_MG_9136_MG_9140_MG_9174 _MG_9153 _MG_9157-Edit _MG_9161_MG_9173

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